Monday, November 30, 2009

Post 2

The past week while I was at home for break I was able to volunteer in my cousins Kindergarten classroom for a few days. I got to interact and help her students which made it very enjoyable for me but one thing I did notice was that she did not have much technology in her classroom. I know they are only in Kindergarten but I still think the curriculum should include technology early on so they can be prepared in their later years. I was only in her classroom for two days but there was not technology interaction while I was in their the classroom. Although they do have computer lab time but I did not get to see what they were actually doing while they were in the computer lab. I might add that my cousin is in her first year of teaching so she might not have access to technology since it is her first year. I know she had the potential to use it in her classroom but just not access to it because of budget cuts and money problems.
Here is link describing the effects of budget cuts on a California elementary school

I got the picture from flickr from Peter Kaminski

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